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Sep 27, 2020

A round-table discussion with the practitioners of the Homeopathy Help Now team, a taskforce that was developed in response to a global acute crisis. 


Sep 11, 2020

You know what happened- the pandemic hit, the world shut down. But not for these homeopathy students, who stepped up and helped to build a homeopathy help line-  that to date, has assisted over 600 patients in acute illness. 

In this episode, hear from the voices behind the scenes about...

Aug 23, 2020

This is the first episode back since quarantine hit the globe in March.

This episode kicks off a whole new series of regular episodes, and a new theme- Challenges and Opportunities in Homeopathy. My guest, Alastair Gray, is a leader in our field with 30 years on the front lines, especially in education. 

Find out about...

Jun 12, 2020

There's another epidemic that needs our attention- Systemic Racism. It's an obstacle to cure, and as homeopaths, we have to look at ourselves individually, and also help heal the collective. 

I'm giving over my regular Aphorism Friday spot to this extremely important topic. 

Listen to me, and then head over to Brene...

Apr 2, 2020

At this time of publication, Jeremy Sherr has given three, free Covid-19 Epidemic Updates. 

Listen to the homeopathic expert in epidemics discuss the philosophy of epidemics, practical advice for taking and analyzing cases, symptoms, remedies emerging, and how to come together as homeopaths to alleviate the...